Creating An Affirming Environment

An ideal learning environment for me would be safe, organized, structured around the children, welcoming, and fun. I enjoy doing lots of hands-on activities with my students. They are not only learning words but also seeing the actual images of the topic covered. It can also be an environment for us all to have better communication. We can learn about each other and have/ share different or similar experiences. Their Social, physical, mental, psychological, and developmental skills can be enhanced. In this mindset, I would be as positive as possible, creating boundaries, and an anti-bias setting, especially when there will be a class of multicultural kids in my care. 

There will be different areas of interest such as Library, Arts and crafts, sand and water, Math, science, word wall, Blocks, dramatic play, sensory wall, and circle time. According to Derman-Sparks & Edwards (2010) states that “when we look to design our spaces, we should make sure materials support the home life of the children, families, and staff.” This should be so that the children can have that home and comfort feeling free without a force. 

A Break Down of the Area/ Space! 

Library Area– Low-level shelves (eye level and hand reach) soft toys (muppets), cozy throw pillows, and blankets.

Building Blocks Area– Blocks of different sizes, colors, textures, and shapes, different vehicles such as police cars, dump trucks, ambulances, planes, boats, street signs, maps, people, animals, roads, rugs, trees, houses, buildings, sun, clouds, raindrops, snow and community helpers (Doctors, nurses, teachers, etc).

Dramatic Play Area– Multicultural dolls, Multicultural clothing, jewelry, bags, phones (cell and landlines), money, foods, drinks, dishes, sink, stove, Kitchen, tables, chairs, notebooks, crayons, markers, and aprons. 

Art Area/Center– Paints, paper, crayons, markers, chalk, dry erase boards, large play-doh, plastic scissors, glue, feathers, quilt, paintbrushes, ribbons, string, pom poms, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, construction papers, oak tree papers, and poster boards. 

Word wall Area– word of the day( sunny, rainy, snowy, etc), new word learned (transportation, respect, etc), days of the week, and months of the year. 

Science Area– Leaves, Goggles, magnets, magnifying glasses, fish tank, wind-mills, thermometer, rocks, water, and science books.

Sensory wall– Different textures, shapes, and sizes of sponges. Soft, hard, ridges, rough, smooth, bumpy, etc. 

Circle time Area– Learning the days of the week, months of the year, what’s the weather like identifying old and new words, singing songs such as ABC, wheels on the bus, rowing your boat, and feelings. Playing “I spy” and asking different questions about their weekend and what you want to share? 

I would also include a parent corner to share with the class on event days as their culture, foods, etc… They will have access to research centers and resources of any kind. We will have a family fun day and night, cultural day and night, weekly outings, and monthly community givebacks ensuring that every family and their child feels welcome, safe, and comfortable which will help to create a crucial foundation for mutually respectful relationships (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010). 

Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Published by Shimmy

My name is Shimine pronounced "Shimane"/ "Shimaine". I am 30 years old and I am an Assistant Teacher at an Early Childhood Learning Center. I currently teach 2 year olds and I enjoy doing it with my all. I have a passion for children no matter their abilities. I have a 9 year old son, who enjoys playing video games and Basketball. I am very friendly, loving, caring, kind, out-going, a Christian and adventurous. My favorite food is Curry Chicken, Oxtail, Rice & Peas and salads! I love to sing, dance, and be happy. My favorite type of music is Gospel. I am a Dance Lead Teacher at my church, a Choir director and a Youth Leader as well. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my love ones, especially my fiancé and my son! I also like to watch a lot of "Lifetime movies" and travel. I am the life of the party in my family and among my friends. Anything else you can always ask me in the comment.

8 thoughts on “Creating An Affirming Environment

  1. Shimmy, I like how you included a Word wall, Circle time and Math area. As children spend time in your space they will gain a great deal of knowledge from various topics which will prepare them for the years beyond care. Circle time is one of my favorite moments of the day. Children gather to express their feelings, socialize with their peers and get a sense of others and cultures. I worked in an environment where a child chose not to participate in circle time. It was a struggle to get him to engage with the group. Would you happen to have any suggestions on how you would handle the situation?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, thanks ! Yes, I love circle time as well. Just hearing them sing, dance, clap and have fun is my most happiest time of the day with them. They aren’t just having fun, but they are also still learning all that will be needed at the moment too.


  2. Hi Shimmy, Nice Blog,

    A peaceful environment really makes children feel safe and secure. I like how you have a breakdown of all the centers in school. This helps all the children to find interest in what they like to do instead of just playing in one center all the time. A child happily involved in play reflects an engaging environment and in return supports a peaceful environment.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, thanks! Yes, giving the children a choice and not forcing options on them is what I love the most when its time for them to pick their areas. Once they are happy I am happy as well. I want my students to feel as comfortable as possible because as I mention before we only have them for a certain amount of time each day and we do not know what they are faced with behind closed doors. So we need to help to encourage and motivate them when they are in our care with their freedom, safety, peace, love etc…


  3. Dear Shimmy,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. In the pictures that you presented, I like how all your areas are clear and defined. I am big on language and writing. The word wall will benefit our young children, especially if you can display the words in different languages. DIsplaying different languages of the different cultures of children inside of the classroom shows inclusion to all children.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Aubrey, thanks for reading and replying! Yes I am big on reading and writing too. This is actually a good idea about the different languages. I didn’t think of this, but I can definitely keep this in mind.


  4. Shmmy, nice blog! after reading your blog and seeing the pictures, your class is a lot like mine. Teaching my kids and promoting the proper ways of learning is very fun and encouraging. My parent wall is amazing. They love coming in and staying informed on what their child does in class.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, thanks! I do believe in a classroom with space and having things well defined and organized. I also like to see kids have fun and want to come back the next day and the next day and the next day. it should not be all day work and no play.


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